Just Shy of 5 Months

My beautiful baby girl will be 5 months old this weekend – 5 MONTHS. Just a moment ago she was a tiny, sleepy, eyes-barely-open newborn and I was convinced she was made of porcelain. Now we have ourselves a giggly, bright-eyed, 14lb sack of sugar with marshmallow cheeks.

This past Saturday Harper rolled over for the first time and while I was cheering her on like a madwoman, Tex walked in mere moments before the big event. (Now I know what parents of Olympians must feel like.) It was pretty sweet having both of us in the room to witness one of her first milestones. Fingers crossed we are lucky enough to witness more major moments together (and plenty of not-so-major moments, too).

In the trend of milestones, Harper will be dedicated at church this Sunday, and we have lots of family coming in town to help us celebrate. Tex joked to Harper that he may not hold her all weekend (this probably isn’t too far from the truth, to be honest — but, we’re happy to share the snuggles with those who get them in much more limited quantities).

I’m already wishing we had more than a weekend to spend with everyone, but this short visit will be a good one, no doubt about it. It’ll be a nice pause before the craziness of renovating and moving takes over, which is just a couple of weeks away.

2016, you’re proving to be a memorable one.



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