A Good Sleeper

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I spent a lot of my pre-baby life worried that once I became a parent, I would never sleep again. I had convinced myself that I wasn’t ready to be a mom because I wasn’t ready to be that tired. Well, my fears were unfounded because, as it turns out, we have ourselves a good sleeper. Not from the jump, of course, but by week 6 we more or less had a through-the-night snoozer.

Believe me, I say all this not to brag, but only to point out the irony of it all. The irony being that once Saturday morning rolls around, I am usually up a good hour or two before my chubby cheeked princess and I bide my time, missing her until she wakes up. I glance anxiously at the monitor to see if she’s stirring, trying to distract myself with coffee and Gilmore Girls while I wait.

Though I find it funny, I’m not wishing for a change, not in the slightest (I feel like I might jinx it all just by bringing it up). I am grateful for my champion sleeper, and for the chance to sleep in myself. And, don’t worry, she does remind us every couple of weeks that she is in control and is up and squawking around 4:30am. This is a gift we know full well not to take for granted and praise her for it daily with extra kisses.

P.S. Don’t be fooled by the picture above, our girl is wrapped tight as a burrito in her swaddle at night. We do not take chances around here. 😉

P.P.S. Thanks for being a teeny rockstar, Harper. We love you for it.


2 thoughts on “A Good Sleeper

  1. Enjoy the sleep! My girl didn’t sleep through the night until 8 months…and still wakes up 1-2 times some nights (she’s 12 months now). It really makes me question if I could do it all again with a second baby someday. I love sleep!

    • I enjoy every second of the sleep because I never really believe it’s going to stick (though, let’s hope it does!). I have friends who’ve had one great sleeper and one not-so-great sleeper, so things could be very different for us next time around. 🙂

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